Discernment is decision-making in which God joins the conversation, says Jesuit Kevin O'Brien. So rather than creating columns of pros and cons to determine direction shifts, genuine discerners add the divine will to the bargaining process. This inclusion turns out to be a big thumb on the scale, which makes the ultimate determination a no-brainer. Including God in the conversation dislodges the brain, or rather the cognitive process, from its normally privileged role in our path-making. The illuminative Spirit flings open doors we may not have recognized in the process until now.
Why does God need a reminder to help the faithful, long registered in the religious process, to make significant choices? Why doesn't God recognize that we're at a fork in the road and indicate which direction is best without us having to ask? Personally I'd like a divine highlighter to color the map ahead of me like a celestial GPS. This is where free will and moral choice come into play. God respects human freedom so much that steering the car for us is out of the question. The request for divine help must come from us.
The other reality is that there actually is a route for believers to follow: the path of love. The condition of a sinful world often obscures this neon way constantly signaling to get our attention. Love is always the way and with a little thought is always evident. Ask for the divine spotlight to illuminate this route.
—Alice Camille,
reprinted with permission from TrueQuest Communications