Intended for VISION online registrant:

E - V O C A T I O N
AUGUST 2023 VISION E-Vocation Newsletter
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Discernment Matters |
The choices of a lifetime |
We hear it a lot from older relatives: taking care of yourself, sooner or later, is a full-time job. The days of the aging and infirm revolve around remembering medications and keeping doctor's appointments, movement classes to stay limber or rehabilitate from injury, and careful food shopping and meal preparation. It's a form of stewardship, I often tell my 94-year-old mother, that she takes care of herself. If she didn't, the job would surely fall to her daughters.
Such stewardship isn't just the job of the elderly. All of us should eat sensibly, move regularly, and rest well. Sabbath isn't a suggestion. It's one of the Big Ten Mandates intended for whole and happy existence. Life is a free-will offering from God to us at the start. But after that, as dancer-choreographer Twyla Tharp says, you earn the life you have. Depending on how and where we invest our time, energy, and love, we co-create the existence we inhabit.
Dancers train for a lot of eventualities, including leaps and lifts, and how to land on their feet from every conceivable projection through space. But also, and very importantly, dancers learn how to fall. Falls are part of the contract of life. Preparing to recover a failed movement is something best not left to chance. This is why self-care includes a robust attention to the spiritual life. Prayer, meditation, reflection, and examination of conscience are not practices that are in the way of our daily progress. They ARE the way.
—Alice Camille,
reprinted with permission from TrueQuest Communications
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VISION 2023: Pathways for a restless heart |

UNCERTAINTY, exhaustion, and the struggle of forward motion are implicit in a desert trek. The vocation journey is similar and can include at times a sense of isolation that Servant of God Dorothy Day calls the “long loneliness.”
It is the love of Christ that impels us to keep moving through the doubt, to keep seeking, questioning, and checking in with God, ourselves, and others to make sure we are headed in the right direction. Indeed, says Day, the only solution to the long loneliness “is love and that love comes with community.”
As you discern, you can rely on the VISION community of writers and sponsoring religious institutes to help you discover the vocation that is right for you. In these pages you will find stories of confusion, risk, and transformation as men and women just like you journeyed through their own deserts as they followed the call to discipleship. Fear, alienation, and restlessness were elements of their crossing, but so, too, were faith, hope, and, above all, love.
“What makes the desert beautiful,” says writer Antoine de Saint-Exupéry, “is that somewhere it hides a well.” VISION Guide and are meant to be a source of refreshment and encouragement for you along the way. Don’t give up! The journey holds untold delights.
— Patrice J. Tuohy, VISION Publisher
In the current issue:
Find much, much more in VISION 2023!
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Attention VISION discerners |
Please be sure to contact vocation directors of the communities that interest you when you go through Vocation Match. You will find their help essential as you sort through your options and consider your best course.
Please let us know what more we can do to help you in your discernment or ministry.
Contact Jennifer Tomshack at
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Attention VISION Community Sponsors |
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Awards and honors |
VISION E-Vocation Newsletter, VISION articles, website, and blog and social sites have received numerious awards from the Catholic Media Association and the Associated Church Press. In addition, the U.S. Catholic Bishops Conference lists VISION and among the top ten vocation resources!
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2022 VISION Vocation Guide, prayer cards, and posters now available . Order while supplies last.
Please support the VISION Vocation Network.