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JUNE 2024 VISION E-Vocation Newsletter

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Discernment Matters
The choices of a lifetime


Paul of Tarsus can be hard to love. He's a religious fanatic, the kind you cross the street to avoid engaging. He's also way too sure of himself: he's always right, and everyone else is drastically mistaken. He believes his own press clippings. He thinks he's perfect and you're not.

And this was before he ran into the Risen Lord. It only gets worse after that. Now Paul's convinced that he's an APOSTLE: sent by God, no less, to spread good news and offer salvation to the whole world. Paul's not just a gnawing problem for the Jewish community. Now he's a gnat on the rump of the Roman Empire!

Paul bothers us because he's a thinker in a society at sea in the crosscurrents of its own passions. Paul parses arcane legal ideas while the rest of us avoid the fine print on life altogether. We want to get home to our suppers, and he's still holding us by the collar and shouting to us about justification by faith and the new Adam and the dichotomy of spirit and flesh. Can't he just lighten up once in a while and give it a rest?

Frankly, no. Paul's experience on the Damascus Road transformed him into a man with a mission. He's trying to run to the ends of the earth with a message that's literally killing him. Is there anything in our lives as dear to us as Jesus is to Paul? If not, it's our loss.

—Alice Camille,
reprinted with permission from TrueQuest Communications


E-Vocation Sponsor

Cullings from VISION Vocation Network



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Attention VISION discerners

Please be sure to contact vocation directors of the communities that interest you when you go through Vocation Match. You will find their help essential as you sort through your options and consider your best course.

Please let us know what more we can do to help you in your discernment or ministry.

Contact Jennifer Tomshack at


VISION Vocation Discernment Guide

E-Vocation Sponsor

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Look who is answering the call 
VISION Vocation Match Infographic




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Awards and honors 

VISION E_Vocation Newsletter, VISION articles, website, and blog and social sites have received numerious awards from the Catholic Media Association and the Associated Church Press. In addition, the U.S. Catholic Bishops Conference lists VISION and among the top ten vocation resources!


VISION Vocation Match Infographic

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2024 VISION Vocation Guide


  • Print Guide
  • Prayer cards
  • Posters

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Available Aug. 1 . Order while supplies last.



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VISION E-Vocation (Evocation) Newsletter

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published on behalf of the National Religious Vocation Conference